Birds Birds Birds VHS-Video

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Why Birdwatchers Watch, captures the amazing vitality of the avian world. From the first scene of a glaring eagle to the last portrait of a resting duck, a whirlwind of birds from all corners of the continent saturates the screen with color, sound and action. All set by composer Frank Proto to the most unusual group of variations that you'll ever hear of Paganni's 24th Violin Caprice.

Birds Birds Birds is a multifaceted video that entertains, informs and challenges. This intriguing quest into the magnetism of birds is illustrated with a stunning stream of bird images. Striking music and clear natural sounds echo the film's visual beauty. Over a hundred species play a part in the story, but each species is not identified until its final appearance, so you can test your identification skills.

Birds Birds Birds is an in-depth look at the magic of feathers by a trio of photojournalists who have spent a combined total of a century studying birds. Steve, Karl and Dave Maslowski are among the nation's most widely published wildlife still photographers, and have filmed and produced motion pictures for dozens of clients including The Walt Disney Studios, The National Wildlife Federation and The National Geographic Society.

Maslowski Wildlife Productions captures with both still and motion picture cameras exquisite images of North American wildlife and conservation subjects. The Maslowskis have made nearly a hundred documentary films and tapes on subjects ranging from birds to insects to watershed management.

Annually hundreds of Maslowski still photos appear in magazines and other publications. A leading calendar company has used Maslowski photos exclusively for their bird calendar for more than twenty years.

"When patriach Karl Maslowski started his photographic career, Calvin Coolidge was president and Babe Ruth was still hitting homeruns for the Yankees."
Wildbird Magazine

The Maslowski film technique combines "a mixture of awesome professional expertise, precise knowledge of what to expect from the animals being filmed and always, always, persistence."
The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology