Ghost In Machine
An American Music Drama for Vocalist, Narrator and Orchestra
John Chenault
Frank Proto
Cleo Laine
Paul Winfield
Jesus Lopez-Cobos
World Premiere Performance
April 28 & 29, 1995

Press Release
John Chenault Program Notes
Frank Proto Program Notes
Catalog Information
Photo Album
More music by Proto and Chenault

New Work Tackles Racial, Gender Intolerance

Paul Winfield, Cleo Laine headline
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Centennial Commission

CINCINNATI, Ohio - May 1, 1995 - Racial hatred, religious intolerance and gender warfare are the issues addressed in a unique new composition for orchestra, voice and narrator commissioned for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra's 100th anniversary.

Frank Proto and John Chenault have produced a performance piece as original and innovative in form as it is provocative and controversial in content. From the opening segment which introduces the two principal performers, who often change characters throughout the piece, to the closing monologue, Ghost In Machine explores America's relationship with the media and its exploitation of society through manipulation of its messages of violence, misogyny and racism.

Ghost In Machine, called by Proto and Chenault an "American Music Drama," uses arias, text and instrumental music to take the audience on a journey similar to that of a viewer flipping through the channels of a television set. Characters such as a news reporter, televangelist and game show host populate the work and serve as the various manifestations of the ghost in the machine.

The performances are part of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra "Multi-cultural Awareness" projects whose goals include increasing involvement of members of the minority community in CSO programs and activities.