New Edition

A Family Album - Book 2

More Double Bass solos by Bassist/Composers

Now Playing: Bach to Blues by John Clayton

For a complete listing of all titles and composers in the Family Album series
click here.

When we look back through music history we see that many of the great composers were also performers. We've been left a wealth of repertoire by composer/performers who originally wrote music mostly for their own use. The traveling virtuosi of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were expected to treat their audiences to new pieces, not just perform a few select master works over and over again. While this tradition is not totally dead as the twentieth century comes to a close, it has in some ways moved underground; out of view of the mainstream concert-going public but alive in small chamber music and specialized venues.

The pieces included in this album were all composed by performing bassists. This is the second album in what I hope will be an ongoing series. As with the original Family Album, the pieces here represent a wide sampling of the musical spectrum and were all created by composer/performers.

Special thanks to the Robertson & Sons Violin Shop for their generous support in helping to bringing this new edition to life.

See Reviews

Meet the Family
David Anderson
Peter Askim
John Clayton
Michael Cretu
Mark Dresser
Michael Moore
Eldon Obrecht
Hans Sturm

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